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Cutting-Edge Children’s Treatment Center Breaks Ground in Michigan!
The Genesee Health System and the Greater Flint Mental Health Facilities Inc. have just broken ground on a new GHS Center for Children’s Integrated Services building in Flint. The new state-of-the art mental and physical health treatment center will bring all of its children's programs under one roof. That includes the Neurological Center for Excellence, Child and Family Services, and the Autism Center.

“The convenience for families is a huge deal. Not every family needs to go to all three buildings obviously, but there is overlap and having all of those staff and energy in one place.” - Danis Russell – CEO, Genesee Health System

This project will help reshape the physical and human landscape of Flint. It will ensure that the NCE has a permanent physical home, continuing the important work of helping Flint children and their families get the
support they need.

It will improve access to behavioral health and primary care services for Low to Moderate Income residents. It will also be a cornerstone of the South Saginaw Corridor helping to catalyze the future of that neighborhood. While the impetus behind this project is a part of Flint’s challenging history, its execution is a part of how the community - and its people - will move forward.

The 60,000-square-foot building, designed by national integrated architecture and engineering firm HED and being built by DW Lurvey Construction, will bring all GHS children’s program areas under one roof.

The building design includes a café, outdoor plaza, secure playground, and other comfortable waiting spaces intended to make the facility feel inviting for regular, repeat visitors while supporting clinical programs with an activities-based approach.

The building includes a series of “autism pods” as well as an autism playground area as a part of a highly developed treatment facility for children on the autism spectrum, one of the leading outcomes seen from the water crisis.

“Carefully selected surface materials for touch and playground objects designed to enhance motor skills offer a valuable set of interactions with the building and site for children suffering from neurodevelopmental problems,” said Jessi Mesalic, NCIDQ, an associate with HED.

Read more about this project in the link below.
Susan King of HED: How We Are Helping To Make Housing More Affordable?
HED's Housing Sector Leader Susan King is the most recent expert to join Authority Magazine's “How We Are Helping To Make Housing More Affordable” series, where successful business leaders, real estate leaders, and builders, share the initiatives they are undertaking to create more affordable housing options in the US.

The primary cause of the crisis is simple, though. Housing has gotten far too scarce and expensive. As high-income people rent places that middle income people used to rent, and the middle-income people rent places the low-income people used to rent, then people become homeless.

In many large cities in the US, there is a crisis caused by a shortage of affordable housing options. This has led to a host of social challenges. In this series called “How We Are Helping To Make Housing More Affordable” we are talking to successful business leaders, real estate leaders, and builders, who share the initiatives they are undertaking to create more affordable housing options in the US. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Susan King.

Susan King is a Principal at HED where she oversees the firm’s housing work across the Midwest. An unrelenting advocate for attainable housing, social justice, and issues of diversity, much of her work focuses on community-based housing access for people across all ages and socioeconomic status. She was recently involved with reimagining the historic portion of Lathrop, one of the last Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) Transformation Plans, converting it into a new mixed income community. Other recent projects include high density transit oriented high rise, Lake Street Studios, and new affordable assisted senior living developments in nearby Indiana.

Q. Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?

A. I am a native of the Midwest, and I have enjoyed the opportunity to grow my professional career in the Chicago metro area since 1987. Today, I am a Principal with HED, a national, integrated design firm with a century long history and a diverse portfolio. Since joining the Chicago Office in 1997, I have played a leadership role in growing the firm’s focus on creating affordable housing environments and incorporating environmentally responsible high performance design strategies into housing projects of all kinds.

I served as the firm’s National Sustainable Design Practice Leader from 2011 through 2019. Basically, I took a page from the Hamilton playbook, specifically, the scene where George Washington sets the 8-year limit for Presidency. I figured that he was right, 8 years is enough time to have an effect and if we transition things correctly, the Firm will continue to move forward in this area. Sustainable Practice at HED is now being led by Daniel Jaconetti, AIA, LEED AP, who worked with me for several years prior as a Regional Leader.

My expertise in the areas of environmentally friendly design, social housing, and gender equity is nationally recognized, as demonstrated in many presentations and publications. I have spoken regularly at the United States Green Building Council’s (USGBC) National ‘GreenBuild’ conferences and The International Living Future Institute’s annual ‘unconference’.

I was also one of the first women in Illinois elevated to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) College of Fellows.

I am a past Co-Chair of the AIA Chicago Chapter’s Committee on The Environment (CoTE) and a past President of Chicago Women in Architecture (CWA). Today I am serving on two boards, the Illinois Housing Council and the Chicago Women in Architecture Foundation.

Q. Are you able to identify a “tipping point” in your career when you started to see success? Did you start doing anything different? Are there takeaways or lessons that others can learn from that?

A. My personal decision to pursue work on public realm projects like affordable housing — a space where I would have an impact on people’s daily lives — was a big turning point in my career. This happened, I would say, in the mid 1990’s when I was working at a small firm primarily focused on manufacturing, speculative big boxes and some healthcare projects. I had been with that firm for 8 years and there is no question that I got great experience there as a project architect, but the type of work was not my passion. When I began my search for a new position, I was very intentional about the firms I approached. It took some time, but I eventually landed at the firm that would ultimately become the Chicago office of HED.

The other tipping point would be getting the right client at the right time, to bring my two passions of creating affordable housing and incorporating environmental responsibility together. (This will be discussed a little later in the conversation below.)

Q. None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person to whom you are grateful who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

A. Wow, certainly not one person but many….

Q. Do you have a book, podcast, or talk that’s had a deep impact on your thinking? Can you share a story with us? Can you explain why it was so resonant with you?

A. Again, hard to pick only one. But three books, I think worth mentioning are: the Rocky Mountain Institute’s A Primer on Sustainable Building, by Dianna Lopez Barnett and William Browning, The Shape of Green by Lance Hosey and Backlash by Susan Faludi. I would be remiss not to mention an author of many incredible books, Rebecca Solnit. I would suggest reading anything that she writes!

Since the first two are focused on sustainability, it is obvious why they are important. I will add that when I first read the Primer it was like a breath of fresh air, especially after trying to read the LEED Reference Guide. Similarly, I love Lance’s book because it was the first time that I had heard someone articulate the fact that great design and sustainability are inseparable. I know Lance personally, and I also had the chance to work with him. He helped HED set a course for truly achieving Design Excellence.

Backlash was also an early influence and shaped my gender equity views early in my career.

Rebecca Solnit writes on many topics, from Hope in the Dark to Men Explain Things to Me, I am constantly amazed at her ability to bring the issues of our time into sharp focus. Currently, I am reading The Mother of All Questions and in it she says: “I care passionately about the inhabitability of our planet from an environmental perspective, but until it’s fully habitable by women who can walk freely down the street without the constant fear of trouble and danger, we will labor under practical and psychological burdens that impair our full powers. Which is why, as someone who thinks climate is the most important thing in the world right now, I am still writing about women’s rights.”

Throughout my career I often have felt torn between working on both issues too. There are only so many hours in a day and there is so much progress to be made in both. When I read the above, I felt validated and energized to keep working on gender equity along with sustainability. Who needs sleep?!

Q. Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

A. Again, hard to only have one! Here are three:

1. All good ideas outlive their opposition…..eventually.” — Anonymous
It is relevant because making change in general is hard work! Sustainability, in all its many dimensions, always has naysayers and detractors. But, if you stay with it long enough, I promise you will get to witness that this quote is true.

2. “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” — The White Queen to Alice, Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. 1872
It is relevant because it is about optimism, and we all need to have that.

3. “Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want.” My Dad, John “Bud” King
I feel like this one does not need an explanation, but I will just say that he said this to me when I was young in the profession, I think at my second job. It is the one that I think I share most often with the people I mentor.

Q. Ok super. Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion about the shortage of affordable housing. Lack of affordable housing has been a problem for a long time in the United States. But it seems that it has gotten a lot worse over the past five years, particularly in the large cities. I know this is a huge topic, but for the benefit of our readers can you briefly explain to our readers what brought us to this place? Where did this crisis come from?

A. This is an interesting question. From my perspective, it has a lot to do with prioritizing where the government puts our money. This affordable housing issue did not happen overnight and has been slowly building due to our not building enough new residential units on an annual basis. This isn’t a new crisis that has emerged, but when we were all asked to “stay home” during the pandemic, perhaps our collective awareness was heightened to the fact that not all people have a home.

The primary cause of the crisis is simple, though. Housing has gotten far too scarce and expensive. As high-income people rent places that middle income people used to rent, and the middle-income people rent places the low-income people used to rent, then people become homeless.

It should be a fundamental law in this country, that housing is a human right. I’m not the first person to say this, but I feel strongly that it should be true.

New York City for example has a “right to shelter” system, that helps people sleep indoors each night, at least. The rest of the nation doesn’t even guarantee that, though.

And then, when it comes to environmental friendliness and sustainability, if a higher quality product or system that will save money over time or improve productivity and health costs even a little bit more, it gets cut out of the design. There is a worry that less units will be built if there is an added cost of any kind. So, it gets sacrificed to the long-term detriment of our communities. We simply need housing to be a priority at the Federal level, and for sustainable design to be recognized for its value over the long haul and for both aspects to be financed properly instead of this ongoing race to the bottom.

Q. Can you describe to our readers how your work is making an impact to address this crisis? Can you share some of the initiatives you are leading to help correct this issue?

A. I have spent my career to-date focused on the important role that sustainable design plays in solving our collective housing needs.
I believe that sustainability is inherent in making something affordable. For any type of building, this is true. For housing infrastructure it is especially true because the home of an individual is where the financial rubber meets the road.

If you lower the cost to operate a residence, it is then more affordable over the long run. If you develop an apartment community that is designed sustainably, it is more affordable to own over the long run as well.

As noted previously, the industry is still hung up on the challenges of up-front costs, but as sustainable design technology continues to evolve, this up-front cost burden, though, is getting better and better. At HED, we are already seeing projects come in with smart, sustainable design embedded in them, reducing operating costs and not costing any more to build, provided of course that your base bid is not the lowest common denominator.

Q. Can you share something about your work that makes you most proud? Is there a particular story or incident that you found most uplifting?

A. At HED we focus on delivering quality affordable housing and we can apply best practices learned in different parts of the country thanks to our national, multi-office reach. We choose to work in this important aspect of housing due to the significance of the need for our communities. We believe good design is for everyone.

We’ve been successful with recognizing early on that the sustainability aspect of affordable housing was something worth fighting for. Because of this commitment, we have been able to make some great strides in raising the design bar for better affordable housing in the Chicago metro area, the Los Angeles region, and others.

For an apartment project in Chicago, the Wentworth Commons, we were able to deliver the first LEED-Certified multi-unit apartment building in the entire midwestern United States. LEED Certification is just one metric to measure a building’s sustainability, but more importantly, it puts a great deal of weight on the importance of monthly energy costs, an important issue for affordable housing residents. This 51-unit community also happened to be an affordable housing community. That was a big early victory back in 2006, and we’ve been consistent in our press for the importance of sustainable design in affordable communities ever since.

Q. In your opinion, what should other designers do to further address these problems?

A. Get involved. There is only so much that we as designers can do in the confines of individual projects, but our role as educated advocates for good design and sustainable design can be even more important for the longer-term needs of affordable housing.

I personally have worked for the last year with the Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition to make recommendations to the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) to create a higher bar for sustainability in affordable housing developments. Thanks to this work, a new Qualified Action Plan (QAP) is currently out for public comment which includes many of our recommendations.

Q. Can you share three things that the community and society can do to help you address the root of this crisis? Can you give some examples?

A. Be YIMBY (aka “yes, in my back yard”) instead of NIMBY (aka “not in my backyard”).

Show up in support for affordable housing developments. At a minimum, show up at public meetings and help support these projects vocally. Most people that show up to public meetings tend to be objectors. I am not sure why this is. I guess it is human nature to show up when you are angry and stay home if you are OK with the proposal. Anyway, our projects can get stalled and even completely derailed by this reality, depending on the public agencies involved.

Or you can call your government representatives to vocalize support for affordable housing projects and ask for their commitment to financially support this work. Whether a particular project is on the docket or not, our representatives need to regularly hear from us to understand that all residents in their communities think this is important — not just those with the lowest incomes.

Q. If you had the power to influence legislation, are there laws which you would like to see introduced that might help you in your work?

A. I alluded to this earlier, but I feel strongly that housing should be written into our governance as a human right. We have freedom of speech, we have the right to bear arms, but we can’t confidently say that we have the right to housing.

I would also expedite the process toward improving our building codes to require sustainable, energy efficient solutions for all buildings, not just in housing. This can affect long term affordability in this country, and legislation is likely going to be necessary to get us there.

Q. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

A. Oh boy, I am actually really shy, so I’m not sure this would be a good idea1 I guess I would say author Rebecca Solnit. From what I have already said, it seems obvious that we would be great, fast friends.
“How We Are Helping To Make Housing More Affordable,” an exploration from Authority Magazine featuring HED's Otis Odell
HED's Housing Sector Leader Otis Odell is the most recent expert to join Authority Magazine's “How We Are Helping To Make Housing More Affordable” series, where successful business leaders, real estate leaders, and builders, share the initiatives they are undertaking to create more affordable housing options in the US.

Jerome “Otis” Odell has over 30 years of professional experience with multiple housing and hospitality projects throughout California and Colorado, and across the United States. He founded and led his own architectural design and planning practice in Denver, Odell Architects, for 16 years before joining the national architectural and engineering firm HED in 2015. At HED he is a Principal and Housing Studio Leader for the firm’s western offices. Below is an excerpt from this interview, you can follow the link below to the full piece.

Q:Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?

A: My work in multi-unit housing began as a framing carpenter as I worked my way through college. Since that time, my career has maintained a keen focus on housing and hospitality. I see these as the spaces where buildings affect people the most. Specifically, the notion of homes for all people is fundamental to our social, economic, and environmental fabric and is a significant responsibility that he has felt privileged to contribute to this important work.

In my role as a Principal with HED I focus on client relationships and project oversight and have been the Principal-in-Charge for a wide variety of housing sector project developments including market rate, high-rise, affordable and senior living communities. I help identify, conceptualize, and bring projects to life alongside our client partners, and it is a tremendous source of joy and pride for me. I love the work of providing housing. You cannot be involved in housing work without being involved in the community, and this is my way of making a positive impact and making the world a better place.
HED lab planner Marilee Lloyd sits down with Lab Manager to discuss the MiraCosta Community College Chemistry and Biotech Building project
MiraCosta Community College’s Chemistry and Biotech building is an up-to-date addition to the campus, with the intention to put “science on display” for the school community. The $37.4 million project was accomplished through a partnership between HED and C.W. Driver, and it features 24,000 square feet of STEM instructional space including new chemistry labs and 40-person, flexible classrooms.

To learn more about the project and its unique design, Lab Manager spoke with HED's Marilee Lloyd, AIA, laboratory planner. Below is an excerpt of their interview, you can read the full piece on Lab Manager's website using the link below.

Q: What was the need for this facility?

A: MiraCosta Community College (MCC) is seeking to advance the MiraCosta Community College District’s STEM curriculum to the next level with this facility's mix of instructional, work, social, and laboratory spaces. The building will support the growth of the existing biotechnology and chemistry programs, creating a learner-centered environment and supporting a new home for MCC’s new baccalaureate degree for this program. The learning spaces and exterior collaboration areas are activated through integration with the latest learning technology systems. This tangible and virtual instructional flexibility will benefit both students and faculty.

Q: What kinds of sustainability initiatives have been included in the design plan?

A: Sustainability is a vital part of the conversation for all projects at HED. The conversation starts early and continues as the design process evolves. A mixture of passive and active strategies is discussed, and at MCC, have been integrated into the design. The team is targeting LEED Silver for the building. The sunshades at the perimeter create both a sense of place and a focus for views, while also reducing glare at the interior and help shade the window glazing. Photovoltaics will be located on the roof, above the main exterior pathway through the building, connecting the campus. Additionally, smart occupancy-based lighting controls, fume hood controls and sash closers have also been designed to aid in reducing the carbon footprint of the building.
Sustainability Leader Dan Jaconetti speaks with gb&d on design for climate change
gb&d magazine recently spoke with HED's National Sustainable Design Leader Daniel Jaconetti to learn more about his projects, sustainable design, and climate change. Below is an excerpt from this interview, but you can read it in its entirety using the link at the bottom of this page.

“We need to get to zero emissions as soon as possible,” Jaconetti says. “It’s not a dramatization: Lives are at stake. We must use our influence within the industry and on every project to not just do less harm but be a regenerative force. The water leaving our site should be cleaner than when it fell, the air should leave the building purified; that’s what the 2030 Commitment is about—making every facility a working piece of the ecosystem rather than a source of damage. This is not advocacy; it’s being responsible corporate citizens.”

Jaconetti is both the National Sustainable Design Leader and a senior project architect for architecture firm HED. His works showcase his consideration for the environment and his belief in fighting climate change. Some of these include Saddleback College’s New Advanced Technology & Applied Sciences Building, San Diego Energy Equity Campus, Lathrop, and Fifth Avenue in Chicago. He is currently working on a new health stem facility at Michigan Tech University in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Q: How do you factor climate change into your work?

A; Our first responsibility is to educate, and then it’s to design for clients the best possible building or project that meets their needs.

Being the best possible building means it’s resilient, energy-efficient, comfortable, and doesn’t have toxic chemicals in it. This is part of the reason why, a couple years ago, AIA took their framework for Design Excellence and merged that with sustainable design. Now, for any chapter in this country, if you submit for a design award, you are evaluated against sustainable criteria, because they’re saying that a project’s design cannot be excellent unless it’s also sustainable, and that’s why we too adopt it at HED.

We used to use a checklist, like a LEED checklist to measure every project against. It’s great, but it’s also very black and white. We’ve now moved into using the AIA framework for Design Excellence. Now when you sit down with a client and have your initial kickoff and talk about strategies, the types of questions are things like: “How could this project engage and benefit the community?,” “How is this project going to participate in a responsible water cycle on the site?,” “How can you actually participate like you’re a piece of the natural ecosystem?”

The energy piece is probably the one that makes the most sense to people—being as efficient as possible. You’re putting out less emissions and you’re taxing the system less.

It’s not just about environmental resiliency, though. Walk down a city street with a bunch of vacant storefronts. That doesn’t do well for the city, but if the project is designed so that it can change and evolve, when somebody leaves someone else can come in. Those are all things we need to share with and prepare our clients for at the beginning of the project.

Q: What’s happening now? And where do we need to go from here?

A: We’re part of a large firm roundtable with AIA with 50 peer firms. As a group of architects we’re working together to transform the industry. We’re doing the right things as a group, but you often face clients, politicians, or general people that don’t understand the importance. We have to work together to understand that.

If we look at the energy piece, for example, and people say, “Net-zero must be really expensive, it’s not affordable, how are we going to do it?” Saddleback is a good example. As an architect you have to do all the right things, which means you start with the climate analysis of the site. With Saddleback, we learned pretty quickly that 80% of the comfort requirements of the building could be met through passive strategies. That means you are only relying on energy for 20%. That means if you want to cover that with renewables, like onsite PV, it becomes much more feasible because of the size of the building and the amount of panels you can have on the roof.

Is it scary to say net zero to a client out of the gate? Is it better to talk about energy efficiency? As you prove net zero is achievable say, “Hey, we can make this net zero.” Or, from an educational standpoint, do you start out of the gate by saying, “Net zero is not necessarily too expensive to do. And it’s going to give you a more resilient project. And eventually your energy costs are going to be lower.”

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