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HED publishes key findings from higher education STEM survey
We polled higher education institutions across the country – asking what they value in planning and utilizing their STEM spaces. The results revealed some interesting considerations for the most essential features of a STEM facility.

The desire for spaces that will attract and retain students through meaningful instructor interaction was far greater than attracting lead researchers or industry partners, creating state-of-the-art research results, or defining new centers of activity on campus.

With priorities focused tightly on student success and instructor interaction, flexible, modularized spaces and furnishings that can adapt for virtual, small, and large group instruction remain at the top of the wish list for those defining and building new STEM facilities. As new virtual tools become available, the desire for spaces that incorporate and fully leverage these new technologies was also at the top of survey responders' minds.

STEM facilities should be designed to promote a sense of belonging in the science community that amplifies learning, empowers faculty and inspires discovery to shape the next generation of elite scientists, engineers and educators. We achieve these goals for our clients by implementing planning and design strategies that are proven to create an attractive hub for science on campus - a diverse facility that supports the convergence of research and teaching with student needs at the forefront.

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