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Ford Motor Co. Robotics Building, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Machine-like precision.
Exploring the future of robotics and autonomous vehicles.
Co-location sparks collaboration at the University of Michigan.
From idea-sharing and cross-pollination to efficient operations, most research programs benefit from the co-location of affiliated research disciplines. With the new Ford Motor Company Robotics Building, the University of Michigan is taking this idea one (autonomous) step further.

Designed to meet three critical, overarching objectives—flexibility, collaboration and innovation—the interdisciplinary facility accommodates the common needs of each research discipline and seamlessly incorporates spaces crafted to the exact specifications of individual teams: a three-story fly zone for autonomous aerial vehicles, an outdoor obstacle course for walking robots, and a high-bay garage space for self-driving cars.

The completed building, now LEED Gold certified, not only places the University of Michigan among a select group of universities with a dedicated robotics facility, but also deepen the university’s relationship with Ford. In an unprecedented move, the major automobile manufacturer has leased the facility’s fourth floor, establishing its first research laboratory located on a university campus.

The future of robotics and autonomous vehicles is wide open; now, with a state-of-the-art facility, world-class faculty and elite student researchers, the University of Michigan is positioned to take the lead.
2023 recipient of an Engineering Society of Detroit, Construction and Design Award.
2022 recipient of an AIA Huron Valley Building Award.
The Ford Robotics Building has been honored with a National Recognition Award for exemplary engineering achievement in the 56th annual Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) by the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC).
The four-story, 140,000 square foot building includes high bay labs, dedicated shops, classrooms and office space, as well as co-location and proximate support functions for related research areas.
Large, open areas and a start-up-styled collaboration zone promote transparency, visibility and knowledge transfer and provide space for group demonstrations.
Shared research and support space encourage collaboration and cross-pollination between faculty, students and researchers.
Ford Motor Company is leasing the facility’s fourth floor, establishing its first on-campus research laboratory.
The completed building places the University of Michigan among a select group of universities to boast a dedicated robotics facility.
Exploring the future of robotics and autonomous vehicles.
Ford Motor Co. Robotics Building, University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI



Machine-like precision.