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Renovation and Addition, Palm Springs Air Museum
Palm Springs, CA
First-class destination.
From local attraction to first-class destination.
Aerospace meets Mid-Century Modern
Dedicated to educating the public on the role air power has played in preserving the American way of life since World War II, the Palm Springs Air Museum is undergoing a major transformation from a local attraction to a first-class destination with two new building additions, including a multi-purpose room and gift shop with corporate offices.

In collaboration with local architect of record, Cioffi Architect, HED's design provides appropriate enlargements to these areas, including queuing and ticketing to allow for a better pedestrian flow and a more comfortable visitor experience. The facade design was inspired by the blades of a turbine engine in conjunction with a 'nod' to Palm Springs' Mid-Century Modern architecture. The modern facade is not only an aesthetic upgrade, it shields and protects the historical archives of aviation in their appropriate war-era hangar environments.
From local attraction to first-class destination.
Renovation and Addition, Palm Springs Air Museum
Palm Springs, CA
First-class destination.